Everything Fun About Golf.

9 Missed Calls
When you see 9 missed calls from your wife when you come around the turn, do you A) panic or......

Cypress Point
This hole-in-one shot at Cypress Point is simply amazing! There’s no way I’d even get my ball over the water.......

Car on Course
Would a car on the course be considered off-road rage? Also, is there any chance these guys are actually good......

Hear the Ball
We about to fight if I hear your ball land near me without a courtesy “fore!”. Don’t be that guy.......

Go Fuck Yourself
Have you ever actually told the starter to “go fuck yourself” when they tell you it’s cart path only, or......

Have you ever thought about collecting pencils from the courses you’ve played? We’re actually super impressed by this collection. Via......

At $10/ball, it’d be cheaper to just buy new balls instead of paying kids to play fetch. Hell, they’d probably......

Wife Her Now
If your girl works all weekend to provide for you so you can play golf, wife her now. And if......

Best Shot
This might be one of the best shots we’ve ever seen. In fact, it might be a little too good.......