Golfer Shows Off His Trophy Wall Of…Divots?

On those days when we are just looking to kill some time, we head over to social media to do some browsing. Heck if you are bored enough, you could even start an online conversation. Just be careful what questions you ask…it can get a bit weird out there. Last week came just such an occasion.
Chumming the waters this time was golf writer/podcaster/on-air host Shane Bacon, who asked his considerable contingent of followers to divulge the “nerdiest golf thing” they collect when they partake in a “new/cool” course, and the answers were about what you’d expect: Pencils. Scorecards. Yardage books. Some even cited keepsakes that required a pro shop purchase, like a logoed headcover or ball-marker.
Divots. A one-word reply. Accompanied by visual proof. Golfers are a fascinating phylum, aren’t they?
Like animal pelts affixed to the mahogany walls of a rustic hunting lodge, Young’s babies were bagged at legendary tracks like the Old Course at St. Andrew’s and Augusta National. Weirder still, some of these turf trophies were smuggled home by friends. Can you imagine being in the position of having to explain your buddy’s sickness at a TSA checkpoint?
The concept of commemorative agronomy isn’t new, nor should it necessarily sound any alarm bells about the owner’s sanity. You can purchase a little jar of authenticated Wrigley Field warning track dirt or bid on bleacher seats rescued from the rubble of dozens of leveled stadiums. But there’s just something so, well, golf-y about Young’s grassy shrine.
At first glance, such a display can cause anyone to take a step back and wonder what this guy is doing with his life. However, the more we think about it, is it really that strange after all? The guy is one of us. And as Young told Golf Digest, most bystanders — like his caddie at St. Andrew’s — are pretty nonplussed once he explains the ritual.
“He said, ‘What are you doing?’” Young recalled the caddie asking as he squirreled away one sample. “I told him I collect them. He said, ‘Cool,’ and we went on our merry way.”
Below are a few more of our favorite responses, including a particularly dark joke involving human DNA (at least we hope it’s a joke). Feel free to chime in in the comments with your most cherished (and, if you dare, weirdest) golf course mementos.
Alright, what’s the nerdiest golf thing you collect when you play new/cool courses? Images of nerdy things welcome!!
— Shane Bacon (@shanebacon) November 4, 2021
— Dan Young (@ddygolfer) November 5, 2021
…and I guess water bottles, but really it’s about the sand.
Great Twitter question @shanebacon!
— Keith Stewart (@KJStewartpga) November 4, 2021
I have a "tee garden."
— Liz Kline (@lizkline) November 4, 2021
Is it sad that I have a plastic bag full of plastic bags?
— Wayne A. Wiggins Jr. 🇺🇸 (@wwigginsjr) November 4, 2021
A lock of hair from the superintendent.
— Bussin Thomas (@commishidente) November 5, 2021
— Scott (@scottytop100) November 4, 2021
Read the original article on Clubhouse.SwingU.