ICYMI: Your Weekly Golf Roundup – December 4, 2021

Weekly Roundup 12/4/21
Weekly Roundup 12/4/21

The holidays are in full swing so your weekends might be spent at packed shopping malls as you try to get everyone checked off your list. Let’s be honest, you let the wife worry about the actual present selections. You’re there to be supportive and agree with everything she says. That and the fact that she said the only way you will see a golf course this weekend is if you contribute. Here’s a few things you can say to earn a few extra brownie points… “Everything looks great honey, you are so thoughtful, I’m really feeling the holiday spirit!”

While you’re waiting in that ridiculously long line, here’s what you missed…

The Best Trash Talk in Golf


Who doesn’t love spending a day with a bunch of dudes you can pound beers with and talk shit to? It’s basically why the weekends exist. To take it to the next level, throw some money down on the game and watch things get really interesting. The key is getting inside your buddy’s head to the point that he’s missing shots because he is either laughing his ass off or so pissed that he’d like to deck you. Either way, we got the most effective trash talk strategies out there that are bound to throw off anyone’s game.


Young Tiger


This video takes us way back. Since the time this footage aired in 1991 to the present day, we have watch Tiger Woods grow up before our eyes. It’s clear that he was incredibly determined even at such a young age. There’s no one quite like him and even though he’s had some controversies in the past, it doesn’t change the fact that he is a damn good golfer. You’ve got to see this clip, it will take you way back…


Takes Balls


If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times. It is NEVER a good idea to be anywhere near the flightpath of a golf ball. They may be small, but those things are absolute missiles when you put any kind of power behind it. So I feel like this guy is just asking for it. Here’s a tip if you really must film one of these things in hopes of some viral internet fame…be the guy pulling off the shot and not the one in front of it. Trust us on this one.


The Best Part


With so many things to love about heading out to the course for the day, it can be tough to pick your favorite. One thing we always argue over is who gets to drive the cart. You are basically in charge of the round at that point. Not only that but trying to freak your buddy out on those tight turns is what being a good cart driver is all about. I will forever and always call dibs. Wanna fight?



Power Move


When I play for money, things get pretty serious, but it’s all about the hustle. The key is to not put too much pressure on yourself while giving your opponent a false sense of security. Throw them compliments, assure them they have this in the bag. Man, you are no match for them. Then, just when they get nice and comfortable, you pull of this power move. They won’t even know what hit them. Kicking ass and taking names.
