ICYMI: Your Weekly Golf Roundup – December 11, 2021

I don’t know if I’ve ever been happier to see the weekend. The closer the holidays get, the harder it is for me to find cheer. Big crowds, long lines, and impatient shoppers. What more could you ask for when looking for Christmas cheer. After fighting to find that single parking space in a sea of crazy drivers, I am ready for a nice strong drink and nice wide open space. Looks like I might have to pull a covert operation and head to the course. I’ll just say I’m going shopping for gifts for her and it has to be a surprise. They LOVE stuff like that.
In case you’re looking for something to do while you’re planning your getaway, here’s what you missed…
One of the keys to a great golf shot is being able to tune out all the noise and distractions so you can focus. Sometimes this is much easier said than done. Unfortunately, outside forces are determined to interrupt your concentration. It is especially frustrating when it’s another golfer. Chances are we’ve all had a similar experience at one point or another.
Your Move
There are few things more satisfying than watching your buddy cling to the bills in his pocket during a big match. He’s been barely hanging on the whole round and there’s no way his walking away with the win on this one. Why not have a little fun toying with him and make the guy think he has a chance. As the two of you are neck in neck and approaching the final holes, he has a new air of confidence. Time to go ahead and burst that bubble with this power move.
Robot Ball
If you really want to get ion your buddy’s head, you’ve got to get one of these. Gone are the days of the three putt. No more misread greens and all of your golf pals are going to wonder what the hell your secret is. This may be one you keep to yourself. After all, it is technically cheating, right? It would be nice to show up that one guy in your group who is always talking trash. Careful not to get caught and you’ll be getting some free drinks on the 19th hole for sure!
Peak Performance
The pros have so many tips to offer that the average golfer’s head would be spinning with the amount of information they are receiving. We’ve always heard to keep things as simple as possible. You can get all tied up in the details and do more harm than good with your golf swing. But every once in a while, a piece of advice comes along that is so profoundly simple. You wonder why you hadn’t thought of it before. Check out this video where John Daly talks about how he maintains optimal performance.
Things You Can Say on the Course But Not to Your Wife
It’s not that women are overly sensitive. Men just have a certain way of speaking that may not make much sense. You learn all sorts of lingo and inside slang as you golf. Even the most innocent phrases can sound downright filthy. Part of it can be chalked up to golf speak and once you’re in the club, you understand. We won’t mention the fact that every other joke on the course is ‘that’s what she said”. Our advice to you, keep it out of the bedroom. While some of these saying may seem tempting to use in the bedroom, do so at your own risk. These double entendres can easily be mistaken for something much more offensive than you intend…