ICYMI: Your Weekly Golf Roundup – October 23, 2021

Weekly Roundup 10/23/21
Weekly Roundup 10/23/21

It’s crazy how fast October has flown by, and this week was no exception. Don’t get me wrong, I am always thankful for a quick work week. However, when it goes by so fast that you find yourself stressed about what you didn’t accomplish this week. Good thing there is beer and golf to take our minds off it. The stress can wait until Monday. Here’s what you missed this week…

Best Golf Halloween Costumes


Halloween is next weekend and I’m sure you’ve already got some plans for that big costume party. Or maybe you’re the kind who just wants to hang out with a couple of buds and some brewskis for a chill night. However you like to celebrate, there is always room for golf. We’ve got the best Halloween costumes to get you in the spirit.


Water Logged


You’ve been putting some serious work into your game. There’s been the weekend lessons, time clocked at the driving range, and practicing your form in front of a mirror. Now you have been able to put all of those to good use and things are paying off. Sure, that rain last week has things a tad soggy, but nothing can stop you from accomplishing your goal. And we mean nothing…




There’s nothing quite like bonding time with your pals. The best friends are those that find new ways to have fun. These guys look like they’re having a blast. A new spin on an old favorite drinking game. It combines the very best of beer and golf. If you see this out there this weekend, you are in good company.


Dumb Luck


Here’s a look at the start of a shot we’ve all made. You’ve lined up perfectly and your stance is solid, but you still manage to slice the hell out of that thing. But sometimes the golf gods choose to smile down upon you and something truly amazing happens. Watch how this shot somehow magically works out in the end. It’s a miracle lol.


Friendly Neighbor


Everyone is always saying how important it is to practice. They tell you it’s not necessary to go to the range. All you need is some grass and plenty of room for a swing. Yeah, it’s gonna take a little more than that to really stretch your legs. At the very least, point your shot away from the neighbor’s house. It’s going to be really hard to explain how your personalized golf ball shattered their window…
